Looking for new ways to engage your employees?

The Olivia Financial Wellness Program helps your employees become financially responsible.

of employees are financially stressed

1 in 4

Women have different career & work cycles


Women get paid less
(even for the same job)

It starts with a “Fun with Finances” session

  • Employees play the Money Mountain© board game. It’s a fun way to learn about money concepts. No boring lectures please!
  • They set up goals (vacation, child’s tuition fee, retirement, etc) via the Olivia app, which calculates for them the amount they need to set-aside monthly.
  • Employees commit to save a certain amount every payday.

We help them get started

  • When they are ready, Olivia helps your employees set up an investment account in their name.
  • The Olivia app sends them reminders to ensure they stick with their commitment to save.
  • Employees can allocate money to their goals and track their progress. Employers have the option to reward employees who achieve important milestones.

And become ‘Financially zen’

Financial stress=poor work performance

Effects of financial stress on employees' performance

  • An increase in stress among employees (reported by 76% of employers)
  • Workers’ inability to focus at work (60%)
  • Absenteeism and tardiness (34%)

“Financially zen” (responsible) employees are productive employees.

Olivia Financial Wellness Program - Key Features

Game-based learning. Helps them realize the impact of their decisions

Real time on-going financial literacy thru "Guides"

FREE to set-up for the company

Can withdraw anytime


Expert managed funds from established financial institutions

What is a “Fun with Finances” session like?

  • Led by our Game Masters and typically lasts for 1 hour
    • Board game for about 15-20 minutes
    • Q&A for 10 minutes
    • Goal setting for 15 minutes
    • Closing – 10- 15 minutes
  • Each board can accommodate 4 players
  • Employer hosts lunch/snack and provides venue
  • No limit to number of participants; depends on your venue capacity

Your employees’ money is safe

Funds are held in an account under your employees’ names in Central Bank regulated financial institutions.

We are launching “Fun with Finances” this September.

Let us know if you want us to run session for your company!

Slots are limited so please sign-up so we can schedule you in!

Get Olivia todayPersonalizing Finance for Her